Confidence builder
“Holly spoke to me as though I was capable of understanding ideas that were bigger than what any 15 year old is used to dealing with in order to force me to look at a bigger picture. I think the most valuable thing I learned was that the frontal lobe is not fully formed until the age of 25. That might be an odd detail to hold onto, but it continues to help me so much. It reminds me that I am at a point in my life where it is okay to make mistakes. It reminds me that not all of my decisions are final or life changing. And it reminds me that I don’t have to have it all figured out. Its okay not to know.“
-Sheiva K
If Holly had a superpower, it would be the awesome ability to connect with people. There are several paths to academic success and each one is appropriate for a different person. When you team up with Holly, you find what’s best for you. Whether it’s assistance with confidence, organization, or time management, sometimes you just need someone in your corner – Holly is that person. “
-Revati D
“Holly taught me to recognize that I had something to offer, and the importance of cultivating it. That I was special. That if I wanted something, I could work hard for it and believe in myself, and the rest would (hopefully) follow.“
-Jeannette D
“Holly reminded me to ‘always choose happy.’ This is still something I think about everyday even though I am no longer working with her. Am I happy with where I am physically, and mentally? If I am not I find some way to change it.“
-Vineet V
“Holly provides such a positive influence both academically and intellectually while still being a warm, kind, and noticeably caring person.“
-Michael G
“Not only is Holly a great listener, she is able to put herself in the perspective of each individual person and connect intellectually and emotionally with their needs. She’s more than just a mentor, she’s a friend.“
-Jarryd A
“Holly is a kind and gentle person, but also extremely pragmatic. She recognizes people’s potential, and isn’t afraid to remind them of it when they aren’t achieving as high as they could be, helping provide the motivation and confidence it takes to succeed (and a good kick in the pants when necessary!).“
-Melanie K
“Holly is incredibly supportive. She genuinely cares and wants to help others succeed, and even better, she makes you want to succeed as well. Her powers of motivation are only rivaled by her expert planning abilities and her strong systems of organization. More than just a coach, she is like a very supportive friend.“
-Brian M
Problem solver
“Holly always has the future of the student she works with in mind. She understands how every student is different and worked with my unique situation to help me. She is one of the few people for which I can confidently say she cares about my success, and is amazing at breaking down big, confusing situations to make them into simple, small tasks which could be solved much easier.“
-Dhruva S
“Holly definitely motivated me to be a better human being, even through simple sayings like “Everyone is doing the best they can at any given moment” and always “Choose happiness.” But also she taught me the value of reflecting on experiences as a way to learn and progress.”
-Grant M